

Open Houses Resumed (Aug, 13)

by on Aug.13, 2024, under Uncategorized

After our hiatus last week, we have resumed normal weekly Open Houses.
We look forward to hosting and engaging your curiosity!

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Hacklab open house is cancelled today! 2024-08-06

by on Aug.06, 2024, under Uncategorized

Sorry everyone! Open house should be back to normal by next week!

Contact info@hacklab.to for details!

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Doors Open 2024

by on May.24, 2024, under Uncategorized

HackLab.TO is happy to be among the 150 sites for this years Doors Open Toronto!
Come visit our uniquely adorned space filled with members’ projects ranging from art to electronic exhibits and design projects.

Saturday May 25th, 10am – 5pm
Sunday May 26th, 10am – 5pm

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Junk Independence Day

by on Apr.01, 2024, under Uncategorized

  • Sunday April 14
  • 2PM – 7PM

Got some old electronics hiding away at home? Looking for a source of spare parts for a project? Junk Independence Days where people bring in and swap old electronics and e-waste.

Typical / past items included:

Liberated Junk from Days Past.
  • iPods / Mp3 Players / camcorders
  • Computers, laptops and parts
  • Printers / Scanners
  • Stereo amps, speakers
  • Traffic walk/don’t walk streetlights!
  • Hobby Electronics parts + kits

Not to be forgotten, there are always lots of little chips and bytes for random hacking too. Anything left at the end will be picked up on Monday and responsibly recycled!

House Rules: Items brought in for the Junk Day are not to be disassembled on site. If you want only part of an item, take it home, and bring the rest back next junk day.

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Hacky Halloween: Mad Science Experiment!

by on Oct.27, 2023, under Uncategorized

Come show off your best costume! It’s time to bring out the LEDs and electronic masterpieces, or maybe just your best mad scientist hair. What better way to party than with whatever imaginative science and tech ideas we can create.

October 28, 2023, 6pm-11pm

Hangout and food 6pm-8pm, BYOB. Music 8pm-11pm.

No tickets, $10 PWYC (pay what you can) donation to support Hacklab.

1677 St Clair Ave West (nearest transit stop is St Clair West at Laughton Ave).

See you there!


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Junk Independence Day

by on Sep.24, 2023, under Uncategorized

  • Sunday October 15th
  • 2PM – 7PM

Got some old electronics hiding away at home? Looking for a source of spare parts for a project? Junk Independence Days where people bring in and swap old electronics and e-waste.

Typical / past items included:

Liberated Junk from Days Past.
  • iPods / Mp3 Players / camcorders
  • Computers, laptops and parts
  • Printers / Scanners
  • Stereo amps, speakers
  • Traffic walk/don’t walk streetlights!
  • Hobby Electronics parts + kits

Not to be forgotten, there are always lots of little chips and bytes for random hacking too. Anything left at the end will be picked up on Monday and responsibly recycled!

House Rules: Items brought in for the Junk Day are not to be disassembled on site. If you want only part of an item, take it home, and bring the rest back next junk day.

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Weekend Open House – Sun. July 16th

by on Jul.11, 2023, under Uncategorized

Weekend Open House – Sunday July 16, 2-6PM

In addition to our well know Tuesday_Pattern. Join us the also this coming Sunday!

Please join us!

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Junk Independence Day!

by on Apr.16, 2023, under Uncategorized

  • Sunday April 30th
  • 2PM – 7PM

Got some old electronics hiding away at home? Looking for a source of spare parts for a project? Junk Independence Days where people bring in and swap old electronics and e-waste.

Typical / past items included:

Liberated Junk from Days Past.
  • iPods / Mp3 Players / camcorders
  • Computers, laptops and parts
  • Printers / Scanners
  • Stereo amps, speakers
  • Traffic walk/don’t walk streetlights!
  • Hobby Electronics parts + kits

Not to be forgotten, there are always lots of little chips and bytes for random hacking too. Anything left at the end will be picked up on Monday and responsibly recycled!

House Rules: Items brought in for the Junk Day are not to be disassembled on site. If you want only part of an item, take it home, and bring the rest back next junk day.

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Junk Independence Day!

by on Nov.15, 2022, under Uncategorized

  • November 27th
  • 2PM – 7PM

Got some old electronics hiding away at home? Looking for a source of spare parts for a project? Junk Independence Days where people bring in and swap old electronics and e-waste.

Items likes:

Liberated Junk from Days Past.
  • iPods / Mp3 Players / camcorders
  • Computers, laptops and parts
  • Printers / Scanners
  • Stereo amps, speakers
  • Traffic walk/don’t walk streetlights!
  • Hobby Electronics parts + kits

Not to be forgotten, there are always lots of little chips and bytes for random hacking too. Anything left at the end will be picked up on the following Monday and responsibly recycled!

House Rules: Items brought in for the Junk Day are not to be disassembled on site. If you want only part of an item, take it home, and bring the rest back next junk day.

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Return of the Open Houses

by on Aug.03, 2021, under Uncategorized

With Ontario re-opening efforts well into Step 3, Hacklab is also making steps towards re-opening to the public. As of Tuesday Aug 3rd, we running a limited form of our usual weekly open houses.

To maintain a safe space, masks and social distancing will still be required while inside the Hacklab Toronto space. But we look forward seeing folks out and being social once more.

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