Tag: workshop
Hacklab.TO Intro Series: Pico Workshop!
by chalmers on Dec.24, 2024, under Uncategorized

Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython Beginner Workshop for total beginners
Saturday December 29th 2pm-5:30pm
A RaspberryPi Pico Beginner Workshop for total beginners, all are welcome.
A 3d printed robot claw, electronics bits and a RaspberryPi Pico of your very own is included in the $75 ticket price. You’re more than welcome to bring your own kit and attend the workshop for $20. Please contact us to let us know you’re coming (or buy a ticket on Eventbrite).
Zach will show you how to get started with the RaspberryPi Pico, the super-friendly microcontroller platform that even artists love. We’ll cover…
- getting the software installed and going
- hooking up the RaspberryPi Pico
- little bit of basic programming in microPython using friendly examples
You too can copy and paste your way to a working project!
What you’ll need:
- A laptop on which you can install software.
- The thonny python IDE installed: https://thonny.org/
Come on out to learn with us and support your local hackerspace, hacklab.to!
Workshop: Guided Teardown of Medical Devices
by Igor on Oct.22, 2024, under Uncategorized

HackLab.TO Intro Series: Guided Teardown of Medical Devices (tickets on EventBrite)
In this “guided teardown” we will have multiple medical devices to disassemble and discuss, led by someone who was on the design team for electrical and software.
Learn about what it takes to make a real product and bring it to market!
Sunday, October 27 at 2PM at Hacklab
No materials required, any skill level is welcome!
Salvage will be available (some items will be reserved and there may not be something for everyone, so consider this a bonus instead of the main event.)
Learn Lockpicking at Hacklab.to! Feb 14 2015
by Nicholas D on Feb.10, 2015, under Announcements, Events, Lockpicking, Workshops
Lockpicking is a fun and unusual skill, and can help people get a better grasp of their physical security situation. Come to one of Hacklab’s two lockpicking workshops and learn a skill which is applicable for physical/digital security experts, security-minded home-owners, and anyone who wants to survive the zombie apocalypse!
Hacklab is running two Lockpicking workshops on February 14, the first running from noon until 2pm and the second running from 3pm until 5pm. This event is open to all ages and all interested parties. Free signup at EventBrite is mandatory — there are only 5 spots available at each workshop. This event is Pay-What-You-Can, with a suggested donation of $10 or more to help us keep the lights on. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.
If you don’t get a ticket, don’t worry: we’ll be running this workshop again soon!
Crosstalk; Sound and Electrons.
by Adam Evenden on Jan.10, 2015, under Events, Projects, Workshops
The electrons are being excited this weekend at Hacklab with the Sound hackers audio meet up happening on Saturday January 10th, 2 pm – 12 am.
Click here to see a complete schedule of events happening.
As a pre-amp to all the electrons being excited. Enjoy some of the photos from the Toronto Synth meet up, where I met up with one of Hacklabs members Andrew Kilpatrick and had the chance to play with his new Synth the phenol (Photo below). Andrew has a Kickstarter for the lovely piece of hardware on the go if you like more info on it. This is a bit of a different cross talk then in the past. For this is the first time a cross talk has gone from an external event into a internally hosted one.
There has been an Audio swap meet in the past and, now we have the great pleasure of hosting the Sound Hackers meet up at Hacklab.
Stay tuned for this weekends photos. In the mean time here are the best of the Synth meet up from November 2014.
- Another Small Eurorack setup.
- SYNTHI – This is an awesome quirky little synth, who’s owner took the time to educate me about it.
- Small but mighty Eurorack setup.
- I enjoyed how clean this Modcan B format rack looked. This has been corrected from the prior statement about being a Euro rack.
- Mysterious unlabelled controls on synth.
- Another large Eurorack
- Re-purposed piece of TV testing equipment.
- Large Eurorack synth.
Toronto Mini-Maker Fair
by Adam Evenden on Jun.08, 2013, under Events, Projects, Unpatched Tuesdays
Several weeks ago now the Toronto Mini Maker Faire Launch party happened.
You can find more images on the following photo streams; Photo booth shots and more, Photos by Adam Evenden
Upon entering the launch party and registering attendees where faced with an arts and crafts table, full of hot glue, blank masks, LED’s, Coin battery’s, pipe cleaners, markers, tape, Glitter, and more.
Click more to see some of the creations.
Happy Belated April 1st.
by Adam Evenden on Apr.09, 2013, under Events, Workshops
Introduction to Transfinite Number (No Prerequisite Knowledge!)
by Christopher Olah on May.05, 2011, under Workshops
On Monday May 16th, 19-21:00, I’ll be doing an introduction to transfinite numbers. Topics will include:
- Cardinals and Ordinals
- Cantor’s Diagonalization Argument
- The Continuum Hypothesis
- Transfinite Induction
Transfinite numbers are really cool, since, well they deal with infinity, don’t match your intuition’s about infinity, and have a tendency to drive people insane!
Unlike previous math workshops, there is no prerequisite knowledge for this workshop. It should be lots of fun! I hope to see you there.
Arduino Servo workshop: Making things move (April 18th, 7pm)
by Alan Majer on Apr.07, 2011, under Events
UPDATE: Notes from this session as well as a detailed online tutorial have now been posted at: http://wiki.goodrobot.com/wiki/Servos
To reserve your spot for this free workshop please confirm through eventbrite:
This workshop is for anyone who would like to make things move using hobby servos. Attendance is free and limited to 11 people. Beginners at any level are welcome, though ideally you will have a very basic familiarity with Arduino (for example, you might have tried something like the arduino blink tutorial).
The workshop will be held at Hacklab (170a Baldwin St) 7pm-9pm April 18th. Hacklab is located in Kensington Market, a few blocks SW of College and Spadina. For directions see: http://hacklab.to/location/
In this workshop we will discuss hobby servos, how they work, and what they can be used for. Then we will use our Arduino (an open hardware platform) to control them. For those interested in working with robotics or making things move, controlling servos with arduino is a great first step.
Please bring:
– A laptop (make sure you have downloaded and installed the Arduino Software: see arduino.cc )
– An arduino (Creatron sells them on College St just a few doors east of Spadina)
I’ll supply a variety of servos that you can experiment with. See you there!
OpenSCAD Workshop
by Christopher Olah on Mar.22, 2011, under Events
I’m going to be running an openSCAD workshop on April 4th at 19:00.
OpenSCAD is a lot like a programming language except that instead of compiling into software it compiles into a 3D object. You have if statements, loops and functions. For a lot of purposes, it is way easier than using traditional 3D modeling software.
For example, it’s what the Hacklab RepRap is being developed in.
No reservations are necessary. It would be preferable for you to install it before coming (Ubuntu Users: there’s no package in the archives but you can use this PPA).
I hope to see you there!