

This is the sort of thing we get up to after-hours

by on Feb.28, 2015, under Uncategorized

Atrain is a robot

Just in case you were wondering.

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Saturday Open-House, Feb 28 2pm until late!

by on Feb.23, 2015, under Uncategorized

Copyright Adam Evenden 2015 https://hacklab.to

Location: 1266 Queen Street West, Unit #6
When: Feb 28, 2pm until 8pm (or later if there are still lots of people around)
How to get in: use the buzzer panel beside the door to call for entryPhoto courtesy of Adam Evenden (hacklab.to)

Good news for all the folks who can’t make it out for our weekday open-houses: this Saturday February 28, Hacklab will be hosting a weekend open-house from 2pm until late!  Scheduled end-time is 8pm, but it could go on longer depending on how many people show up.

OpenHouseThis is an all-ages event, and is open to everyone regardless of experience or technical skill level.  We love meeting new people and seeing regulars, so come and check us out.  Bring your projects to show off, your laptops to hack/code on, or something you’re curious about.  Hacklab has an electronics/coding area, a large classroom, a wood-shop, a kitchen, a lounge, and a sewing area, all of which are open for use.

There will be some free vegan food, but if you feel moved to bring some noms to share, we encourage that.

See you all there!

RSVP with Eventbrite (not required, but encouraged)

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Happy Holidays!

by on Dec.24, 2014, under Uncategorized

Some folks are at the lab eating Christmas Curry and Axis Of Evil Cookies, listening to secular christmas music and debating whether we want to subject ourselves to Seth Rogen’s The Interview. There’s quite a bit of hackery happening, and vegan hot chocolate has been enjoyed by all.

Whatever you’re doing this holiday season, we hope you’re having as much fun as we are.

Happy Hackmas from everyone at the lab!

Sen baking roller skates in the Hacklab oven

Sen using a thermal camera to monitor the exact temperature of the Roller Derby skates baking in our oven. For science!

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Reminder: Op amps and Analog Circuits Intro

by on Oct.25, 2014, under Uncategorized

Just a reminder that the first class at the new Hacklab space will be presented on Monday! Come out and see our new classroom and learn about analog circuits!

Where: Hacklab Toronto Classroom – 1266 Queen Street West, Suite 12

When: Monday October 27, 2014 at 7:30-9:00pm

Who: Anyone is welcome to attend, and there is no fee. We ask for a donation to help us pay rent and keep the lights on.

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Welcome to Hacklab 2.0

by on Aug.20, 2014, under Uncategorized

Here is a little video tour of our new space, on our fancy new YouTube channel!


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Moar Laser

by on May.13, 2014, under Uncategorized

Thanks to chillinbeta.

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Photo of the week. Hackmass Printing.

by on Feb.16, 2014, under 3D Printing, Uncategorized

Hackmass printing

Hackmass printing

During the holiday break in December, I was able to print the below bracelet at the lab as a gift. The interesting aspect about this bracelet is that it is generated on-line allowing some customization and sizing for the individual. There is minimal clean up of the object once printed and the hinges work with no effort of cracking them or working them in. The hinges are quite an interesting design shaped in an oblong cylinder with corners that resemble chamfered ends. This shape provides contact to the printer bed without the use of support material and does not exceed the maximum print angle of an additive printer by a large margin. If you are interested in getting one of these visit n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com to customize your own bracelet.


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Hacklab Soldering Workshop

by on Dec.12, 2013, under Uncategorized

Hacklab Soldering Workshop (for beginners, free but RSVP required)
Monday December 16th, 2013, 7pm-9pm
Want to learn how circuits are assembled? We’ll show you how to solder, the process of using a hot iron to place parts permanently unto circuit boards. Many easy to assemble and cool kits to choose from!

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Hacklab Propaganda Booth @ Waterloo Mini Maker Faire

by on Jun.16, 2013, under Uncategorized

Hacklab had a booth at the Waterloo Mini Maker Faire, ironically held at Kitchener City Hall. We talked to hundreds of people about our tech community here in Kensington Market, and gave away a lot of stickers, buttons, and inspiration. Check out my flickr gallery of the faire, or read the posts I made at Toronto Maker Faire blog and my personal blog digitalcrusader.ca.

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Hacklab Pi Day Party: Friday March 15th 6pm onward

by on Mar.12, 2013, under Uncategorized

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