About Us
HackLab.TO is a community space with a diverse membership, including artists, computer programmers, web designers, and hardware hackers. It is inspired by the philosophies of the global hackerspaces movement which encourages people to socialize, share knowledge, and work together on their projects. Newcomers are welcome every Tuesday night.
We use the term "hacking" in the MIT sense. We make things, repurpose things, program things, invent things, and make lights blink!
1677 St Clair Ave W
Toronto, ON M6N 1H9
Open house is every Tuesday starting at 6pmTags
3d printers arduino artemisspacehipbridge Batman board Chess chip classes covid-19 Creativity Crosstalk Design event Events Flip Dot Display Food Hackerspaces hacks HAM Imaging Junk Independence Day laser Lathe Led's led sign newbies non-profit Open House pandemic response party PCB Photos programming Prototyping publicity Public Science Awesomeness Announcements (PSAa) python pythonnewbienight Retropopulator shameless self-promition teaching TRUG Tuesday Night Open House workshop workshopsHacklab Calendar
March 3rd, 2015 on 2:46 pm
Just wanted to let you know that my modular system is Modcan B format, and not Eurorack although it is very “clean”.
March 4th, 2015 on 2:03 am
Thank you for the feed back I will correct this mistake.
I do appreciate this. The synth meetup was my gate way into first hand exploring synths.