Tag: Retro populator
Hackaday and Retro Populator
by Adam Evenden on Sep.07, 2014, under 3D Printing, Projects
Collaboration on the Retro Populator is still on going and some new progress photos can be found below. We have a new needle assembly, and have been doing minimum pressure testing to pick up components.
Additional news is that the Retro Populator has been announced as an semifinalist 1 of 50 top projects. In addition I learned earlier this week, that Hackaday.com featured the Retro Populator in an article post on there website. Eric, Charles, Rob, myself, as well as Hacklab Toronto was mentioned in this post. Unfortunately Hackaday did not mention The Ultimate workshop and I hope they fix this issue soon. The Retro Populator is a collaboration and joint creative adventure between both Hacklab Toronto and The Ultimate Workshop. Both sharing resources, knowledge, and skills to create something that we hope others in turn will create there own enhancements for, and use it to create new technologies.
- Drilling a hole in the new needle of the pick an place.
- Attempting to pick up a part.
- Successful pick up of SMD part.
- Testing suction
- Assembling the nozzle assembly.