
Visit Us

Every Tuesday, from around 6:00pm until late, the lab opens our doors to members of the public. We’re specifically excited about folks who want to show off projects they have made or are working on, want to ask for help with making something awesome, or want to help out on other folks’ projects. Bringing a laptop along to just chill out with other geeks is also welcome.

There’s no minimal skill level required to participate, and we do our best to be a respectful, friendly environment for everyone. We now have a ramp to make the front door accessible – the back door is not accessible and the ramp is deployed only during open house hours or by request. As a heads-up to folks with sensory processing issues, the Tuesdays can get quite busy and noisy with 7 to 9 pm tending to be the busiest time. Our new space is better than the old one though, and there are now a number of areas you can usually get some isolation from the busyness and noise.

Members of the media are also welcome, but in the interest of member privacy we have cute little press passes hanging by the door, and require that permission be sought before taking photos with people in them.

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