
This Friday: Fusion 360 Study Group/Mentorship

by on Mar.06, 2018, under Uncategorized

Norm guides this study group for beginners, intermediate, and experienced users. Come and work on your projects, help others out, learn new skills, or just get started with a super basic project. Learn workflows to 3D printers, the laser cutter, and engraver. Exchange ideas, and gain confidence to build your next projects.

Fusion 360 is the first 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE tool of its kind. It connects your entire product development process in a single cloud-based platform that works on both Mac and PC. Beginners can download an educational version from https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/fusion-360/learn-explore/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/How-to-activate-start-up-or-educational-licensing-for-Fusion-360.html

Free workshop, suggested $5 donation to Hacklab.to. Bring snacks, pop for sale $1.

Eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/fusion-360-workshop-study-and-mentorship-group-tickets-41858290273

Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/400667247056473/?event_time_id=400667263723138

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