Tag: Events
Free Vegan Dinners
by Christopher Olah on Feb.14, 2013, under Uncategorized
For the last few months, I’ve prepared free vegan food for Hacklab on Tuesdays: Eggplant bhartas, spring rolls, tofu in spicy peanut sauce, boc choy in garlic sauce, curries…
Noms, created at last weeks open house.
by Adam Evenden on Sep.09, 2012, under Events, Projects
Toronto RepRap Users Meetup #3 = Great Success!
by Christopher Olah on Mar.01, 2012, under Events
The third meetup of the Toronto RepRap User Group was a massive success!
We had about 20 people show up, with about 5 RepRaps. Socrates from the Singularity Weblog (who previously did a post on Hacklab) kindly filmed our talks and took pictures!
We had a few short talks by Lance, Adam, Chris, Matt, and Andre which you can watch online (part 1, part 2, part 3). The speakers and topics were:
- Lance: Using and sourcing glass build platforms for your RepRap
- Adam: Building a giant RepRap, his new extruder design, coatings for the build platform.
- Chris: Follow up on producing lenses with 3D printers.
- Matt: Questions for the community.
- Andre: Printing his parents house (watch it print! And another one!).
- Chris: A new programmatic CAD tool, ImplicitCAD (including some never before publicly seen features!)
Thanks again to hacklab for hosting us! Our next meetup will be on March 26th, again the last Monday of the month (can we make this a consistent thing? Maybe!). Since things were starting to get a bit cramped at hacklab, between all of us and the printers, Site 3 will generously be hosting the next meetup.
Finally, I wanted to remind everyone that you too can be a speaker at the next meeting of the Toronto RepRap User Group! It’s nothing formal: just get up and talk for five-ish minutes. No need to contact me in advance, just turn up and tell me before we start the talks! I will be very grateful for more speakers!
(Also, there is now a mailing list for organizing our meetings and discussing Toronto-RepRaping issues.)
Toronto Haskell Users Meetup
by Christopher Olah on Feb.23, 2012, under Events
There’s going to be a Toronto Haskell Users Meetup at hacklab on March 7th starting at 7pm. Come by and meet your fellow Haskellers!
This will be the first one. I’m really looking forward to meeting other Haskellers in person!
Haskell Users of Toronto, unite!
You may optionally sign up for this meetup on eventbrite.
Toronto RepRap User Group #3
by Christopher Olah on Feb.03, 2012, under Events
Mark your calendars: Monday the 27th will be Toronto’s third RepRap User Group Meetup! We’ll be meeting at hacklab (location info) at 7pm! Bring your RepRap/Makerbot/3D printing awesomeness!
Meet your fellow RepRap enthusiasts! Share knowledge, learn about the awesome things people are doing, and have a great time!
Everyone interested in 3D Printing is welcome. People who are being driven insane by their obsession with the awesomeness of 3D printing are strongly encouraged so that they can benefit from contact with the similarly afflicted.
I’m super excited to have this happen and am really looking forward to seeing you there!
You can read a post about the second TRUG meetup on digital crusader. You can optionally sign up at eventbrite (this will make it easier for people to get in touch with you after the event).
Introduction to Programming (Python)
by Christopher Olah on Jan.20, 2012, under Workshops
On Saturday Feb 11th, I’ll be teaching an Introduction to Python workshop. It will go from 10am to 4pm, with a break for lunch.
Python is a popular programming language, known for its simplicity, ease of use, and elegance. An excellent language to start programming in.
We’ll cover some basic programming concepts. What that will include will depend on how fast we go :)
Please RSVP — we have limited space!
Introduction to Transfinite Number (No Prerequisite Knowledge!)
by Christopher Olah on May.05, 2011, under Workshops
On Monday May 16th, 19-21:00, I’ll be doing an introduction to transfinite numbers. Topics will include:
- Cardinals and Ordinals
- Cantor’s Diagonalization Argument
- The Continuum Hypothesis
- Transfinite Induction
Transfinite numbers are really cool, since, well they deal with infinity, don’t match your intuition’s about infinity, and have a tendency to drive people insane!
Unlike previous math workshops, there is no prerequisite knowledge for this workshop. It should be lots of fun! I hope to see you there.
Learn German on Jan 9!
by Sonja on Dec.29, 2009, under Language boot camps
This is a free one-day German class for total beginners. You will get an
excellent overview of all the basics of German. Non-members are fully welcome to attend too.
This is the first in a series of one-day language boot camps facilitated by Sonja. Future ones will include Esperanto, Toki Pona, French, Latin, Mandarin, etc. or whatever else people request.
Location: Toronto HackLab, 170A Baldwin St in Kensington Market
Date: January 9, 2010
Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch break (show up on time! we have a lot to cover)
Cost: Free, but you’re welcome to bring food for the teacher or fellow students
Join the HackLab-Lang Google group to be updated about future language boot camps!
Python Hiatus
by Leigh Honeywell on Dec.17, 2009, under Python Newbies
Python Newbie Nights on Thursdays will be on hiatus for a couple of weeks, returning in mid-January. Folks aren’t around as much and I’m a bit burnt out, so it just seemed like the right time to take a break. Watch this space for the class’s return!
RFID-proof duct tape wallet making
by Leigh Honeywell on Nov.26, 2008, under Uncategorized
Posting this well in advance so that people show up!
Tuesday Dec. 9th I’ll be making duct tape wallets and would love for others to participate too! I’ll have some tape available, and instructions, but please bring tape too if you want to make your own.
I’ll have enough heavy duty tin foil for a zillion wallets, so don’t worry about that.
It’s on our google calendar, of course: