
Monday Workshops at Hacklab

by on Dec.18, 2010, under Events

Some hacklabbers and I had discussions about having regular workshops at hacklab.  Rob’s recent call for a makerbot night really got the ball rolling.  I came from noisebridge, where one of the most cool events is Circuit Hacking Mondays, every Monday a half a dozen or more people come to noisebridge to learn how to solder.  It’s one of the big ways that noisebridge gets new members and keeps things interesting and focused on hacking.  Monday nights are a great time for such events because very few people make plans for Monday night and so lots of people are available.

In that spirit, I hereby announce the beginning of a series of workshops at hacklab.  We will not be narrowly focusing on soldering or circuits, but instead covering a wide variety of topics.  The first four such workshops are as follows:

January 10th: RepRap & MakerBot
January 17th: Arduino
January 24th: Circuit Hacking
January 31st: Wearables / Cyborg

Each event is suitable for both total beginners (come learn the basics!) and more knowledgeable people seeking a good hacking session.  Events start at 7pm, come for as little or as long as you like.  Rob will be leading the RepRap session, and I’ll be leading the other three.  We will send out more specific details about each event as the dates draw closer.

If you know anyone who you think would like to attend one of these sessions, please let them know!

Also, if you’re interested in helping with any of these, or in having other workshops, please contact me (mrericboyd at yahoo dot com).  I would especially love it if someone stepped forward to lead a “how to use the laser cutter” workshop.  If the workshops are popular we will be repeating them as opportunity allows.

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