Hacker Math
by the_goat on Oct.16, 2008, under Uncategorized
I’m a mathtard. I admit it.
Which isn’t such a great thing to be in this line of work. I’m no slouch – I’ve rocked the occasional Smith Chart, understand basic calculus, and learned to hate LaPlace transforms – but when people start throwing formulae up on the board and proceed to analyze and then code something up based on it, I get lost very easy.
So I proceeded to bug Shardy the other day as to whether he’d be up for doing the occasional math lecture at HackLab. I wanted to learn more about the ideas, math and implementation of Markov Chains. He seemed cool with it, but now I think I might see about trying to leech even more from the guy’s brain.
Would people mind helping me come up with a list of ideas for Math talks? Let’s focus on stuff germane to cryptology, protocols and compsec.
October 21st, 2008 on 5:03 pm
Chris Abad has some cool math stuff on his page, check it out: