
Crowdfunding Campaign for Hacklab 3.0

by on Feb.04, 2019, under Uncategorized

In case you haven’t seen all our recent posts, Hacklab is moving! With moving comes costs, both in time and finances. To help us build our new space to meet the needs of a premier makerspace for our world-class city, our new space is undergoing a massive cleanup as well as some renovations.

Please consider donating to our Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign in order to help us move to our new location on St. Clair West. Or, if donating money isn’t your thing, shoot us a message because we’d love it if you could donate some time and muscles to help us do the heavy lifting or even swinging a hammer in the new space. Or heck, if you can share the link above that would be great, too!

We’d like to take this quick moment to thank everyone, from past and current members to our current open house guests, for joining us in our amazing journey growing from colourful Kensington Market to quirky Parkdale and onward to funky St. Clair West. Open houses are still going on at Hacklab 2.0 every week until further notice and we’d love to have you pop by for our last days in Parkdale.

Check out our awesome crowdfunding video on YouTube and we’ll see you for $5 vegan dinner this Tuesday (served around 7:30pm) at 1266 Queen Street West buzz unit 6!

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