Author Archive
Project: Building the PiDP-8/I
by Scott Sullivan on May.03, 2016, under Uncategorized
Awh… The joy of a hacker space. All the tools to build this lovely PiDP-8/I replica of the PDP-8/I kit from Oscar Vermeulen.
Repair Café Toronto at! Feb 21 2015
by Scott Sullivan on Feb.14, 2015, under Announcements, Events
Hacklab is excited to host Repair Café Toronto this February!
The Repair Café is a monthly gathering where there will be volunteer fixers available for computers, electronics, small appliances, clothes, books, among others. For whatever you need fixed, bring it on! You can learn how to fix it while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea, or see what’s possible with the 3D printer or laser cutter on site. To avoid lineups, please arrive early. It would be best to arrive before 3 p.m. so that there is enough time for the fixer to examine your item.
When: Saturday, February 21, 2015 – 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: HackLab.TO, 1266 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor (buzz Unit #12)
Cost: Free (Donations are welcome!)
Rob Bishop’s Raspberry Pi Hackerspace Tour Visits Toronto
by Scott Sullivan on Nov.22, 2012, under Announcements, Events in partnership with Seneca’s Centre for Development of Open Technology Presents:
Rob Bishop – Raspberry Pi: Past, Present, and Future
Rob Bishop, one of the earliest engineers involved with the development of the Raspberry Pi, will be delivering a talk on the educational mission and history behind the Raspberry Pi Foundation as well as technical overview of the Raspberry Pi. He’ll cover the motivation behind the creation of the Raspberry Pi and how they want to help deliver better computing education to the classroom through creation of cheap, open computing devices.
What: A presentation by Rob Bishop of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and Demo Room of projects.
When: December 3rd, 7:00 PM
Where: SEQ Building, Seneca@York, 70 The Pond Road, Toronto – Room: 1206
Details: CDOT: Raspberry_Pi_Hackspace_Tour_Toronto
If you have a Raspberry Pi project and would like to be included in the Demo Room, please contact