Hacklab Indiegogo Plaque!
by mrericboyd on Oct.25, 2014, under Announcements, Projects
After countless design revisions, we’ve finished our Hacklab Indiegogo Plaque! See complete gallery on flickr. Thanks to everyone who supported our campaign, we raised over $7000 towards moving expenses, and everyone got some awesome swag! The plaque consists of 3 layers: a laser etched wooden base (wood cut and finished by our friends at Ultimate Workshop), a laser-etched acrylic map of the space, and a third acrylic layer highlighting the awesome skylights and treehouse areas in the space. Hex spacers provide the distance between layers. The vertical parts of the plaque also create this super cool shadow effect when you move lights around! Thanks to Khuyen Forsythe for the design work, MakeWorks for use of their laser cutter (which is super fast at etching), and Martin Tomsky for the idea of laser-cut layering.