
Tag: shameless self-promition

Overheard at Hacklab

by on May.10, 2012, under Uncategorized

Hacklab has an internal collection of quotes. I obtained permission from a number of people quoted so that I could publish some of the more awesome ones.

<_stillinbeta_>how do you function as a person without the page-up key?


<_stillinbeta_>I am not an IRL to IRC gateway!


Geordie: “Write documentation like a homicidal axe-wielding person is reading your code… Who knows where you live and is easily frustrated.”

(continue reading…)

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HackLabTO Ignite at DemoCampTO19

by on Mar.09, 2009, under Running a Hacker Space

I gave a 5-minute Ignite talk about HackLabTO at DemoCamp last week.  Check out the writeup over at my blog:


Slides are up at Slideshare if you just want to see the pretty pictures :)


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