Tag: pythonnewbienight
Python Hiatus
by Leigh Honeywell on Dec.17, 2009, under Python Newbies
Python Newbie Nights on Thursdays will be on hiatus for a couple of weeks, returning in mid-January. Folks aren’t around as much and I’m a bit burnt out, so it just seemed like the right time to take a break. Watch this space for the class’s return!
Python Newbie Night vs. Recursion
by Leigh Honeywell on Feb.22, 2009, under Python Newbies
During last week’s python class we got to the part in our wonderful textbook where the concept of recursion is introduced. My friend Susan posted a witty line to my facebook feed regarding the teaching of recursion:
I normally teach recursion by checking to see whether they understand recursion, and if not, teaching recursion.
Within the class we have a variety of levels of experience with programming in general, and recursion in particular. I’m curious to hear peoples’ favourite recursion teaching tools, examples, or other witticisms. What’s your favourite programming problem to solve recursively?