Tag: pandemic response
Public Events Suspended; Use of Space Discouraged
by Sonia Serba on Apr.06, 2020, under Uncategorized

The Ontario Government is ordering all businesses not covered by the updated essential business list to remain closed until at least June 30th, 2020, with the possibility of an extension as the situation evolves. This is to confirm that HackLab.TO remains officially closed until further notice. This means, our public events continue to be suspended, and members should not be entering the space.
We will continue to update you as we receive updates, and we look forward to further growing our online community with all of you via email and other channels until such time as the doors of HackLab.TO are able to be reopened. We encourage you to be supportive and understanding of one another as we continue to get through this novel situation together.
COVID-19 Toronto Public Health Advice: https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/
~From your board @ HackLab.TO
Important Message Regarding COVID-19
by Sonia Serba on Mar.16, 2020, under Announcements, Events

Dear Past, Present, and Future HackLab.TO guests,
Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic effectively immediately until at least April 6th, 2020 Hacklab will suspend public events, including the open house.
This closure comes in recognition of:
- public schools being closed for an extended two weeks in addition to March break
- businesses being encouraged to have employees work remotely
- and social distancing being implemented in shared spaces in the effort to flatten the curve and halt the spread of COVID-19 virus both in our area and the province.
We are sad to close our doors to all of you during this time as the community has always been and will continue to be a key component of the HackLab.TO experience. Open houses usually held on Tuesday night provide an opportunity for us to connect with the local community, invite new members to join, as well as share knowledge and resources in general.
HackLab.TO is an inclusive maker space advocating for all, so please remember that COVID-19 is a virus and as such it is not specific to one race, nationality, or ethnicity. Treat each other with kindness, care, and compassion in this trying and challenging time.
We hope to see you all soon and are looking forward to getting back to activities as usual. Until then, please visit our website https://HackLab.TO for up-to-date information, or subscribe to our twitter feed @hacklabto or facebook.com/Hacklab.TO !
~From your local makerspace HackLab.TO