Tag: Events
3D Scanner Demo at HackLab
by chalmers on Feb.13, 2025, under Uncategorized
MatterAndForm is going to do a demo of their “THREE” 3D Scanner on Thursday Feb 20th at 7pm at HackLab.
MatterAndForm CEO Trevor Townsend will be running the demo. Should be pretty cool! Here’s a link to the product page if you’re curious: https://www.matterandform.net/products/three

3D Modeling Workshop and Lamps/What’s going on? Blog #2
by Luciano Cesta on Nov.01, 2024, under Projects, Uncategorized

3D modeling is a key tool in the maker toolkit and HackLab is full of makers who are skilled in the process.
Lawrence Temple, a longtime member of HackLab, taught a class this past August explaining the fundamentals of measuring the real world and using CAD software.
“In the maker community, there’s a lot of different ways that [3D modeling] can be used,” said Lawrence.
He mentioned three different uses of 3D modeling that are commonly deployed in HackLab; art, 3D printing, and machining.
“Anything that exists in three dimensions, you can model,” he said.
The first thing that Lawrence taught is how to measure things with precision. He spent an hour and a half of the three-hour class teaching participants how to use calipers to accurately measure objects in real life so that they can be recreated in a CAD program. Participants measured the dimensions of their cellphones and created models of them on their computers. Those models could then be used to create cases.

Lawrence, a software engineer by trade, wanted to get into 3D modeling to build a Gameboy Macro – a project where you modify a Nintendo DS Lite by breaking off the top screen, making it into a big Gameboy like device. He first learned how to model at the Fort York branch of the Toronto Public Library and then taught himself more using YouTube videos.
He spends some of his time at HackLab on his 3D modeling projects. He’s made a few different projects using the skills he has taught in the class, one of them being light fixtures, the results of which can be found in HackLab. The fixtures are thin-walled and clear, created in a vase style for aesthetic purposes. Through the design process he has been able to make different light diffraction patterns. His favourite fixture diffracts the light in a flame pattern.
From teaching the class Lawrence has learned that there are multiple ways to approach the same problem in design.
“You can basically approach [3D modeling] as many ways as you would draw a picture,” he said. “Some of it is intuition and some of it is tools.”
Workshop: Guided Teardown of Medical Devices
by Igor on Oct.22, 2024, under Uncategorized

HackLab.TO Intro Series: Guided Teardown of Medical Devices (tickets on EventBrite)
In this “guided teardown” we will have multiple medical devices to disassemble and discuss, led by someone who was on the design team for electrical and software.
Learn about what it takes to make a real product and bring it to market!
Sunday, October 27 at 2PM at Hacklab
No materials required, any skill level is welcome!
Salvage will be available (some items will be reserved and there may not be something for everyone, so consider this a bonus instead of the main event.)
Hacklab Digest – July
by Evelyn on Jul.22, 2024, under Digest
A look back on some of the great events that we’ve had at the lab in earlier this year.
IWD 2024, Weekend Open houses, Doors Open, Junk Independence Day.

Upcoming events:
In addition to our usual weekly open house on Tuesdays, we’re also excited to announce a series of introductory workshops showcasing the various domains and tools we have available at the lab. This presents an opportunity for anyone to learn, experiment and explore new skills and tools for future project plans.
Our first workshop will focus on Beginner 3D printing workshop – 2pm July 28th, 2024 (Sun)
It will cover basics on how to create your own 3D models and print them using a Prusa printer.
Also plans are being made to celebrate Hacklab’s 16th Anniversary in Aug details TBD.
HackLab Open House Celebrating International Women’s Day
by Kristy on Feb.24, 2024, under Announcements, Events
Friday, March 8, 6pm-11pm

Open House days are opportunities for the public to come meet, get to know, and join our community. This is an International Women’s Day focused open house, and is open to all. A PWYC share of dinner will be available. Come out and show us your newest project, get help or advice from our friendly members, or just get a tour of the place. We can’t wait to see you!
Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator
by Scott Sullivan on Jan.06, 2024, under Events

Hacklab.to presents Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator
Artemis is a local co-op multiplayer game where as a group you crew the bridge of a Starship. Work together to explore local space, upgrade your ship, and defend space stations from attacking ships and creatures.
Equipment and Instruction on how to play will be provided.
- Friday Jan 26th, 7pm – 10pm
- Saturday Feb 17th, 2pm – 6pm
- Friday Feb 23rd, 7pm – 10pm
Donate to Attend at Eventbrite
Learn more about the game at artemisspaceshipbridge.com.
Crosstalk; Repair Cafe.
by Adam Evenden on Feb.22, 2015, under Events
On Saturday the Repair Cafe had a successful repair clinic at Hacklab Toronto.
Many came through the lab for a tour while waiting for their spot in line to start
work on their personal treasures to be repaired, and to learn a little about
repair themselves. Like those articles and photo narratives, in the past
crosstalk has featured other spaces, how others engage with the wider community.
This successful Repair Cafe was hosted by Hacklab Toronto, and allowed the lab
to give back to a community that does great work.
- This little sucker is getting diagnosed. Soon the vacuums problem will be known.
- Diagnosing the problem is a Blend of skill and knowledge.
- Large turn out for the Repair Cafe.
- Trapped VHS getting some hands on rewinding.
- This Chicken clock keeps on Clucking thanks to the Repair Cafe.
- Success! Another repair complete.
- Another Successful repair at the repair cafe. As the sign in the background says, lets hope for more successful events such as this one.
Toronto Mini Maker Faire
by Adam Evenden on Sep.23, 2013, under Events, Projects
This years Mini Maker Faire in Toronto is over, but it was a grand success in my eyes.
People from all walks of life and age came out to explore, create, share ideas, and hack.
I believe the community just became a little bit bigger from this weekend, and a lot closer for those already in the community creating new connections and friendships.
I am hard at work combing through the photos, trying to decide what to do with them all.
I hope everyone had a blast this weekend and made memorys.
Here are a few moments I captured that I care to share.
Toronto Mini-Maker Fair
by Adam Evenden on Jun.08, 2013, under Events, Projects, Unpatched Tuesdays
Several weeks ago now the Toronto Mini Maker Faire Launch party happened.
You can find more images on the following photo streams; Photo booth shots and more, Photos by Adam Evenden
Upon entering the launch party and registering attendees where faced with an arts and crafts table, full of hot glue, blank masks, LED’s, Coin battery’s, pipe cleaners, markers, tape, Glitter, and more.
Click more to see some of the creations.
Photo of the week;
by Adam Evenden on Feb.20, 2013, under Unpatched Tuesdays
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