Tag: event
Cross talk;
by Adam Evenden on Jun.25, 2014, under Events, Projects, Running a Hacker Space, Unpatched Tuesdays
Todays post is not quite what you think it is about, but the chosen title will make more sense as you read along. Hacklab has been around for a while on the maker/hacker/creator/incubator scene and could be seen as one of the original terminals that now make up part of the Mesh network that is our community in Toronto. As I have witnessed over the few years I have been visiting, making, and working within the community. I have seen how those who come to explore discover us or other parts of the community, and bounce around absorbing and finding the right fit. Many times those who are new to the community or those who are well versed in the community, have multiple links to the Mesh network by frequenting many of the other spaces beyond Hacklab’s walls. This is where I should note at times Hacklab has played host to other new groups in the community, be it the Haskell Users group, or the occasional DIY Bio group. I hope that Hacklab and other spaces in the community will play host to other groups that will ever increase the diversity of the community Mesh. The cross talk between each space informs one another through the sharing of ideas and others being partially mixed into others creating a noise of ideas and thought, spawning new projects that use the resources available at times of multiple spaces, and memberships. To get a better idea of the diverse community that has flourished within Toronto, I would like to draw your attention to a side project entitled Hacking-the-city, of mine that has been slowly creating an larger picture of the community, and those which influence and flow into others within the Hacker community. I have used pinterest simply to keep it semi organized and to attempt to create a visual idea of the community, as well as small description of the organization. If you as the reader can think of an organization, group, or other part of the community that I have not mentioned please tell me so I can pin them to the board. Cross talk may take some time to get really going, the intention is to visit other spaces with members of the community that frequent the lab and to get a sense of the other parts of the community threw photography. This I envision being a little difficult and taking time due to how does one accurately depict a community, or project via a lens. This is a constant challenge at Hacklab due to some projects are not easily conveyed. How does one take a photo of someone programming and convey what it is they are doing, or what the program is? To stage a photo or to shoot candid, which method is the more truthful and accurate? I look forward to this project and hope to share what I capture with you all soon. This past weekend the folks at The Ultimate Workshop, played host to some Hacklab members to work on a joint project. See below for a sneak peak at an upcoming blog post on the Retropopulator.
- Further assembling the Reropopulator.
- New part of the Reropopulator just had a hole drilled into it.
- Assembeling part of the Reropopulator
- Just getting ready to assemble part of the Reropopulator.
- Milling a part for the Reropopulator
- Partslayed out for the Reropopulator.
Toronto Mini Maker Faire
by Adam Evenden on Sep.23, 2013, under Events, Projects
This years Mini Maker Faire in Toronto is over, but it was a grand success in my eyes.
People from all walks of life and age came out to explore, create, share ideas, and hack.
I believe the community just became a little bit bigger from this weekend, and a lot closer for those already in the community creating new connections and friendships.
I am hard at work combing through the photos, trying to decide what to do with them all.
I hope everyone had a blast this weekend and made memorys.
Here are a few moments I captured that I care to share.
Toronto Mini-Maker Fair
by Adam Evenden on Jun.08, 2013, under Events, Projects, Unpatched Tuesdays
Several weeks ago now the Toronto Mini Maker Faire Launch party happened.
You can find more images on the following photo streams; Photo booth shots and more, Photos by Adam Evenden
Upon entering the launch party and registering attendees where faced with an arts and crafts table, full of hot glue, blank masks, LED’s, Coin battery’s, pipe cleaners, markers, tape, Glitter, and more.
Click more to see some of the creations.
This weeks Hacklab Photo Round up in: 10 photos – Week of (July 8-14).
by Adam Evenden on Jul.14, 2012, under Events, Projects, Uncategorized
Every week for as many as I can I hope to post a collection of Images that depict what the space is all about. It may not be 10 photos each week it maybe more it may be less, but each photo is part of hack labs story.
Here is HackLab as I have glimpsed it this week.

1 - Community Service: The growing pile of E-Waste that community members have brought in for others to pick threw before being picked up by E-Waste disposal.

2 - Exploration: In a basement of a building in the market is a treasure trove of discovery to be found.

3 - Collaboration: Hard work and dedication to a project, can create wonderful things. The two individuals in this photo are working on a Quadrocopter .

6 - Solutions: Problem solving is something I encounter often in the space, people come in with ideas and collaboration happens. It is not often I get to witness a solution executed so quickly. This instants part of the Ultimaker needed trouble shooting and a custom part was fabricated and installed.

7 - Lasers: Always a cool thing, and in this case a laser cutter hard at work cutting out a Façade for a project.

10 - Easter Eggs: Looking for those little surprises or unexpected discovery's. In this case we found the company's logo amongst the circuitry.
Upcoming parties at the lab!
by shardy on Sep.25, 2008, under Events
In addition to our usual events, we’ve got two upcoming parties at the lab that you may want to join us for.
The first is our incorporation party– to celebrate our official status as a non-profit corporation, we’re throwing a party. Come join us at the HackLab to celebrate our incorporation, get ready for Nuit Blanche and SecTor, or even check out the space if you haven’t seen it yet. Yes, yes, it’s not a secret, we’re also fundraising– help us out as we try to offset our start-up costs.
Also, we have a couch now, for real. For real!
The second is an unofficial afterparty for SecTor, where we get to show off the lab to everyone from out of town.
Save the dates:
Incorporation Party – 10/3, 7pm – 3am
SecTor Unofficial Afterparty – 10/8, 8pm – 1am
We hope to see you at the lab!