Tag: arduino
Mixology. A personal bartender.
by Adam Evenden on Jun.12, 2014, under Projects, Unpatched Tuesdays
Recently one of our members decided that he would create a personal bartender in a form of a Droid bartender. This handy piece of equipment is functional and makes a great conversation piece. The bar bot is named Luma-Droid and mixes some mean drinks. Not all of these drink need to be alcohol, I am sure this Droid can can mix a mean punch as well. This handy Droid uses 4 different liquid sources to mix from 6 different drinks pre-determined programmed and dispenses at a push of one of the illuminated buttons. This is actually the second version of this little Droid. The first version did not have the ultra sonic humidifier that creates a further finished and polished look. But not every improvement is merely aesthetic. Many times when creating a project that delves into areas that is a first for anyone, creates problems and a list of things you would do differently if provided a chance. Well Eric had the chance and in the second version shown in the photos, the ultrasonic humidifier was added, as well as new pumps, reservoir for the humidifier, and for good measure a extra layer of sealing to ensure the water proofing.
Bat Phone.
by Adam Evenden on Nov.09, 2013, under Projects, Unpatched Tuesdays
During the summer we had two guests stop by on a Tuesday for help with a special project.
To build a Adam West era Bat Phone, which was to be a birthday gift.
So to make sure the gift was not spoiled I was a bit extra cautious and did not post any photos.
Now that the coast is hopefully clear I can post several build photos from the project.
Several HackLab members jumped in on this build aiding with the modification of the phone.
Teaching how to solder and assembling the PCB the guests bought for the project, and
of course quality assurance. Quality assurance in the sense of everyone who was
around once the build was done had to try out the finished build.
Hacklab; One step closer to self replication.
by Adam Evenden on Jun.23, 2013, under 3D Printing, Announcements, Events, Unpatched Tuesdays
As of late Tuesday night, HackLab is now the proud owner of a Series 1 3D printer, by Type A Machines. Leading to 5 members to tackle the construction, calibrations, initial tuning and testing of the printer. I expect throughout the following week the printer will be fine tuned and will settle in amongst the other printers we have in the lab. I am sure we will be printing some add-ons for the Series 1 soon as well once the tuning is done, such as a tool rest and holder. We may even be adding LED lights to it to better see how the print job is adhering to the surface and see when problems are occurring in during the print job. I care to thank Type A Machines for the donation of the new printer, and care to extend an invitation to please stop by the lab during our Open House to see what we are creating with this amazing printer.
At the rate we are building, working with, and utilizing 3D printers we may have to designate part of HackLab the Print Lab. I hope soon we can add the second Ultimaker we have been slowly repairing to our library of tools allowing more members to print at the same time and gain experience working with these tools. Thank you again Type A Machines for aiding to our creative, and educational tool library.
For 11 more photos from the build. and a photo of the first item printed please click upon the (continue reading) text below for more.
Toronto Mini-Maker Fair
by Adam Evenden on Jun.08, 2013, under Events, Projects, Unpatched Tuesdays
Several weeks ago now the Toronto Mini Maker Faire Launch party happened.
You can find more images on the following photo streams; Photo booth shots and more, Photos by Adam Evenden
Upon entering the launch party and registering attendees where faced with an arts and crafts table, full of hot glue, blank masks, LED’s, Coin battery’s, pipe cleaners, markers, tape, Glitter, and more.
Click more to see some of the creations.
Brain Food – Double post; Raspberry Pi Cases and Train Overlord Progress.
by Adam Evenden on Aug.09, 2012, under Projects

Here we see the box for the tasty Raspberry Pi on the left, and on the right the ever advancing brain for Train Overlord.
The Building of train overloads new brain.
by Adam Evenden on Aug.01, 2012, under Projects, Uncategorized
Arduino Servo workshop: Making things move (April 18th, 7pm)
by Alan Majer on Apr.07, 2011, under Events
UPDATE: Notes from this session as well as a detailed online tutorial have now been posted at: http://wiki.goodrobot.com/wiki/Servos
To reserve your spot for this free workshop please confirm through eventbrite:
This workshop is for anyone who would like to make things move using hobby servos. Attendance is free and limited to 11 people. Beginners at any level are welcome, though ideally you will have a very basic familiarity with Arduino (for example, you might have tried something like the arduino blink tutorial).
The workshop will be held at Hacklab (170a Baldwin St) 7pm-9pm April 18th. Hacklab is located in Kensington Market, a few blocks SW of College and Spadina. For directions see: http://hacklab.to/location/
In this workshop we will discuss hobby servos, how they work, and what they can be used for. Then we will use our Arduino (an open hardware platform) to control them. For those interested in working with robotics or making things move, controlling servos with arduino is a great first step.
Please bring:
– A laptop (make sure you have downloaded and installed the Arduino Software: see arduino.cc )
– An arduino (Creatron sells them on College St just a few doors east of Spadina)
I’ll supply a variety of servos that you can experiment with. See you there!