Junk Independence Day! July 22nd
by Scott Sullivan on Jul.08, 2018, under Uncategorized
It’s everyone’s favorite time again, Junk Independence Day! Rocking Hacklab Toronto, this July 22nd from 2pm-7pm. Bring your e-waste and dig through other people’s for treasures. On previous Junk Independence Days, people have walked away with an iPod touch, a 1TB hard drive, working classic iMacs, bubblejet printers, a Sony mini-DV camcorder, stereo amps, speakers, a desktop computer and even walk/don’t walk streetlights! Not to be forgotten, there are always lots of little chips and bytes for random hacking, too.
Anything left at the end will be picked up on following Monday and responsibly recycled by Revolution Recycling, who has been participating in our Junk Independence Days since the first one. Thanks Revolution!!
Eventbrite free tickets/reminder: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/junk-independence-day-tickets-47904529738
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1821960631159775/