Author Archive
3D scans happened here!
by chalmers on Feb.20, 2025, under Uncategorized
Matter and Form demo’d their “THREE” 3D scanner tonight at HackLab. We scanned things big and small!

3D Scanner Demo at HackLab
by chalmers on Feb.13, 2025, under Uncategorized
MatterAndForm is going to do a demo of their “THREE” 3D Scanner on Thursday Feb 20th at 7pm at HackLab.
MatterAndForm CEO Trevor Townsend will be running the demo. Should be pretty cool! Here’s a link to the product page if you’re curious:

Hacklab.TO Intro Series: Pico Workshop!
by chalmers on Dec.24, 2024, under Uncategorized

Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython Beginner Workshop for total beginners
Saturday December 29th 2pm-5:30pm
A RaspberryPi Pico Beginner Workshop for total beginners, all are welcome.
A 3d printed robot claw, electronics bits and a RaspberryPi Pico of your very own is included in the $75 ticket price. You’re more than welcome to bring your own kit and attend the workshop for $20. Please contact us to let us know you’re coming (or buy a ticket on Eventbrite).
Zach will show you how to get started with the RaspberryPi Pico, the super-friendly microcontroller platform that even artists love. We’ll cover…
- getting the software installed and going
- hooking up the RaspberryPi Pico
- little bit of basic programming in microPython using friendly examples
You too can copy and paste your way to a working project!
What you’ll need:
- A laptop on which you can install software.
- The thonny python IDE installed:
Come on out to learn with us and support your local hackerspace,!
Hacklab open house is cancelled today! 2024-08-06
by chalmers on Aug.06, 2024, under Uncategorized
Sorry everyone! Open house should be back to normal by next week!
Contact for details!
Doors Open 2024
by chalmers on May.24, 2024, under Uncategorized
HackLab.TO is happy to be among the 150 sites for this years Doors Open Toronto!
Come visit our uniquely adorned space filled with members’ projects ranging from art to electronic exhibits and design projects.
Saturday May 25th, 10am – 5pm
Sunday May 26th, 10am – 5pm
Aug 20 — Raspberry Pi Pico MicroPython Beginner Workshop for total beginners
by chalmers on Jul.10, 2023, under Python Newbies, Workshops

RaspberryPi Pico Beginner Workshop for total beginners, all are welcome. A 3d printed robot claw, electronics bits and a RaspberryPi Pico of your very own is included in the $75 ticket price. You’re more than welcome to bring your own kit and attend the workshop for a pay-what-you-can donation. Please contact us to let us know you’re coming!
Zach will show you how to get started with the RaspberryPi Pico, the super-friendly microcontroller platform that even artists love. We’ll cover…
- getting the software installed and going
- hooking up the RaspberryPi Pico
- little bit of basic programming in microPython using friendly examples
You too can copy and paste your way to a working project!
What you’ll need:
- A laptop on which you can install software.
- The thonny python IDE installed:
Come on out to learn with us and support your local hackerspace,!